Press Releases

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Murkowski Votes for Secretary of Defense Nominee Ashton Carter

Senator Lisa Murkowski today voted in support of Dr. Ashton Carter's nomination to be America's next Secretary of Defense, discussing her decision afterwards, saying: "When I met with Dr. Ashton Carter yesterday, two things became clear: he is an intelligent, capable candidate to oversee the Pentagon; but more importantly he understands the strategic and tactical value of Alaska to our national security. His intellectual breadth and judgment are incredibly important as we deal with a complex, v… Continue Reading


Murkowski Stresses Arctic Urgency, Balance with Secretary Kerry

Senator Lisa Murkowski today sat down with Secretary of State John Kerry to discuss the nation's role in the Arctic as the U.S. will assume the Chair of the Arctic Council in April. Considered the top voice on Arctic matters on Capitol Hill, Murkowski joined Secretary Kerry and the U.S. Special Representative to the Arctic, Admiral Robert J. Papp, at the State Department Headquarters. Speaking about the conversation afterwards, Murkowski saw the meeting as a positive signal that Secretary Kerry… Continue Reading


Murkowski and Sullivan Fight Unilateral Land and Water Blocks by Executive Branch

Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan introduced the Improved National Monument Designation Process Act today, legislation that would prohibit any White House from unilaterally designating national monuments on federal lands and waters under a century-old measure called the Antiquities Act without Congressional approval and the approval of affected state's legislatures. "It is clear that this White House is more concerned with securing its environmental legacy than protecting the economic we… Continue Reading


Delegation Welcomes Connie McKenzie to Serve Juneau Constituents

Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan today announced that Connie McKenzie has been hired as their Juneau Delegation Representative. As their representative in Juneau, Connie will act as the Senators' eyes and ears on the ground and will report back on issues important to constituents around the region. She will also be responsible for assisting constituents with specific concerns and problems with federal agencies and offices. "Connie has a sterling reputation in Juneau for her experience i… Continue Reading


Murkowski Backs Balanced Budget to Get Nation’s Spending Under Control

Days after President Barack Obama proposed a federal budget for 2016 that digs the nation deeper into debt while also raising taxes, Senator Lisa Murkowski today announced she is co-sponsoring S.J. Resolution 6, the Balanced Budget Amendment Act to stabilize the nation's economy and fiscal path. "With the nation sinking deeper than $18 trillion in debt, we simply need to get our fiscal house in order," said Murkowski. "That works out to having every man, woman and child in a $56,000 hole; this… Continue Reading


Sen. Murkowski Introduces Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Package

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, today introduced the Bipartisan Sportsmen's Act of 2015. The legislation would increase access to public lands in Alaska and across the West for fishing, hunting, and recreational shooting, while advancing efforts to conserve our lands and waters. Click the picture to view the video "Being from Alaska, I'm lucky. Our hunting and fishing is top-notch. We learn to love the 'great outdoors' very early … Continue Reading


Murkowski, Young Introduce Bicameral Bills Pushing for Safe Drone Usage

Senator Lisa Murkowski and Congressman Don Young announced companion legislation in both chambers of Congress aimed at urging the Federal Aviation Administration to create policies for safe usage of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) across America's skies. Senator Lisa Murkowski introduced the bipartisan Safe Skies for Unmanned Aircraft Act of 2015 with co-sponsors Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) and Ron Wyden (D-OR) in the Senate, and Congressman Young introduced legislation by the same name in the House … Continue Reading


Murkowski Bill Would Provide Permanent Protection from “Nonsensical” EPA Discharge Regs for Fishing Boats

Senator Lisa Murkowski today introduced legislation to permanently block an EPA incidental discharge regulation that poses serious threats to Alaska's fisherman and coastal communities. The flawed regulation is written so broadly that it would penalize Alaska's fisherman and more than 8,000 boats statewide simply for rinsing fish guts off their deck, or rainwater washing other materials off their decks. The bill - co-sponsored by Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), and Maria Ca… Continue Reading


Murkowski, Sullivan: Denali Is ‘The Great One’s Rightful Name

Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan today announced they have introduced legislation that would make "Denali" the official name of America's tallest peak - the most widely-used designation of the 20,230 foot tall mountain given by the state's Koyukon Athabascan residents (Deenaalee). The bill would reverse a century-old decision: 19th Century prospector William Dickey naming it after a President who never stepped foot in Alaska, William McKinley - and how it has since been 'officially' kno… Continue Reading


Murkowski Votes for Bill to Improve Veteran Mental Health Care

Senator Lisa Murkowski today was proud to cast her vote for the Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans Act, a House of Representatives-passed bill mirroring legislation she co-sponsored in the Senate (S.167), offering several critical measures to improve mental health care and suicide prevention resources for America's veterans. The bill passed the Senate today 99-0, and heads directly to the President's desk to be signed into law. The bill would require a third-party evaluation of… Continue Reading


Murkowski Responds to President Obama’s “Groundhog Day” Budget of $2.1 Trillion in New Taxes

Senator Lisa Murkowski today responded to President Obama's budget proposal, which ignores spending limits contained within the bipartisan Budget Control Act that he signed into law in 2011: "It's fitting that today's budget comes out on Groundhog Day - or Marmot Day back home - because it looks like something we've seen over and over again: more taxes, bigger government, less spending restraint, and the President ignoring the law. "The Budget Control Act imposes limits on spending for a reaso… Continue Reading


Sen. Murkowski Leads Senate Approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline

- Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, today voted to approve legislation authorizing the cross-border permit for constriction of the Keystone XL pipeline. This legislation passed the Senate by a bipartisan vote of 62-36. Click photo for video of Sen. Murkowski speaking on final passage of S. 1. "After 2,323 days of presidential delay and indecision, the Senate took action to pass, on a bipartisan vote, the Keystone XL pipeline … Continue Reading


Murkowski Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Improve Afterschool Programs

Senator Lisa Murkowski today introduced the Afterschool for America's Children Act with Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), which would help children and families by investing in high-quality afterschool programs across the country that complement students' academic pursuits. The bipartisan legislation would reauthorize the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) program, which has allowed millions of children to attend afterschool programs over the last decade, including more than 25,000 Alas… Continue Reading


Murkowski Lauds Walmart Stocking Shelves with Alaska Seafood

Senator Lisa Murkowski today welcomed news that Walmart has decided to stock wild caught Alaskan fish on shelves in their Alaska and Washington state stores. After a concerted effort by Murkowski to advocate for the merits and taste of Alaska's superlative seafood - including reaching out directly to the President and CEO of Walmart -Walmart today announced it will offer Alaskan cod, salmon, rockfish, sole, and crab. "Today's announcement is great news for Alaska our seafood industry, and Walm… Continue Reading


Interior’s Proposed Offshore Leasing Plan Will Place New Restrictions on Exploration of Alaska’s Waters

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today criticized the Obama administration for its continued campaign to shut down oil and natural gas activity in Alaska. "This administration is determined to shut down oil and gas production in Alaska's federal areas - and this offshore plan is yet another example of their short-sighted thinking," said Murkowski, the chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. "The president's indefinite withdrawal of broad areas of the Beaufort and Chukc… Continue Reading


Murkowski, Sullivan, & Young Vow to Fight President Obama’s Assault on Alaska

U.S. Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan, and Rep. Don Young today held a press conference to discuss their plans to work together to reverse the Obama administration's decision to further block access to Alaska's oil and natural gas resources in federal areas. The administration on Sunday announced it was recommending that nearly all of the 19.6 million acre Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) be placed into wilderness status - a move that would lock up the nation's richest oil prospect… Continue Reading


Obama, Jewell Declaring War on Alaska’s Future

Alaska's Congressional Delegation and Gov. Bill Walker today denounced President Obama and Interior Secretary Sally Jewell for launching an unprecedented assault on Alaska that will have long-lasting effects on the state's economy and the nation's energy security. In coordination with the White House, Secretary Jewell will announce this week - starting today - that she will lock up millions of acres of the nation's richest oil and natural gas prospects on the Arctic coastal plain and move to bl… Continue Reading


Murkowski Welcomes Add’l $1.5M to Address Alaska’s Energy Cost Challenges

Senator Lisa Murkowski today shared news with Alaskans that $1.5 million in Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funds are headed to the state from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Starting today, $730,000 will be distributed through the DHHS Division of Public Assistance, as well as $800,000 by Native Tribes or Tribal Associations, listed below. This amount is in addition to the $17.9 million provided to the state in October to help Alaskans deal with heating bill… Continue Reading


Senator Murkowski Announces 2015 Service Academy Nominations

Senator Lisa Murkowski today proudly announced that she has nominated 57 promising Alaskans to the U.S. military service academies for the class of 2019. "These candidates come from every corner of the state, and embody incredible talent, dedication, and leadership. I am honored that they have answered the call to service, and to have the opportunity to nominate them for consideration," said Murkowski. "I know that these intelligent and accomplished young Alaskans will make the state proud." U… Continue Reading


Murkowski: White House’s Arctic Focus Remains “Unbalanced”

Senator Lisa Murkowski today responded to the White House's latest Executive Order, "Enhancing Coordination of National Efforts in the Arctic," (attached) with the United States only months away from assuming the Chairmanship of the Arctic Council: "Today's Executive Order is a good step forward in strengthening the coordination of federal agencies on Arctic policy - and seeks direct input from Alaska's Arctic stakeholders - but it is unbalanced in what the Administration's Arctic priorities sh… Continue Reading

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