Press Releases

Media Requests: Members of the media can contact the press office by emailing or by calling 206-302-8317 and asking for the press office.


Murkowski Urges Secretary of Army to Remove Barrier to Substance Abuse Care for Alaskans

As United States Army soldiers in Alaska cope with the lingering impacts of more than a dozen years of sustained combat operations abroad, Senator Lisa Murkowski is asking the Secretary of the Army to rethink a regulatory barrier that is keeping Alaskan-trained and -educated substance abuse counselors from providing care and therapy to returning soldiers. Presently, the criteria for being hired by the U.S. Army as an Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) counselor includes accreditation from a Co… Continue Reading


Murkowski Joining World Leaders to Represent U.S. at Arctic Circle 2014

Senator Lisa Murkowski will attend this weekend's Arctic Circle 2014 conference in Reykjavik, Iceland - an annual event designed to increase the Arctic dialogue and strengthen the international focus on the future of the region. Alongside international leaders such as Iceland President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, Finland President Sauli Niinistö and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Murkowski and recently announced Arctic Representative Admiral Robert J. Papp will lead one of four… Continue Reading


Murkowski: “One Step Closer to the Last Honeybucket”

Senator Lisa Murkowski today welcomed the announcement from United States Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack that Alaska's rural community infrastructure needs will receive more than $12 million to boost the construction, maintenance, and upgrading of water and wastewater systems throughout rural Alaska. "A cornerstone of my commitment to Alaska has been to bring safe water and sewer systems to our rural communities, where they are still seeking 20th century standards in the 21st century, and… Continue Reading


Murkowski Announces First $7.5M for Fishery Failure Relief

ANCHORAGE, AK - After a lengthy effort of advocacy and creating a bipartisan "Coastal Coalition" of lawmakers from states seeking relief for federally-recognized fishery disasters, Senator Lisa Murkowski today announced the first round of payments are being sent out to Alaskans beginning today totaling $7.5 million. The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, working closely with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Alaska Department of Fish & Game, developed a "… Continue Reading


Murkowski Inspects Icebreaker for First-Hand Answers on Arctic Availability

As the other Arctic nations - and many outside of the region - surge their investment and focus in the area, Senator Lisa Murkowski paid a visit to the United States Coast Guard Cutter POLAR SEA in Seattle to get an update on its status. With the POLAR SEA having been commissioned in 1977 and one of only two heavy-duty icebreakers in America's fleet, Murkowski sought answers on just how much more of a contribution the USCG expects the ship to be able to make. "In a matter of months, the United… Continue Reading


Murkowski Congratulates “Best of the Best” Alaskan Blue Ribbon Schools

- Senator Lisa Murkowski today offered her congratulations to three Alaska elementary schools for being named National Blue Ribbon Schools by the U.S. Department of Education: Haines Elementary School, Crawford Elementary on Eielson Air Force Base, and Peterson Elementary in Kodiak. These schools were recognized as "Exemplary High Performing Schools" based on their overall academic excellence. "I'd like to offer an Alaska-sized congratulations to each of these schools for their outstanding acco… Continue Reading


Senator Murkowski Working to Create “National Lao-Hmong Recognition Day”

Senator Lisa Murkowski recently co-sponsored the bipartisan National Lao-Hmong Recognition Day Resolution with Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), as part of her ongoing effort to call attention to and honor the Hmong Veterans who supported the U.S. cause during the Vietnam War - as well as the contributions they and their families provide to our communities today. "The Hmong Veterans selflessly risked their lives in service to America during the Vietnam War and deserve this honor and recognition," s… Continue Reading


Murkowski on Forest Service’s Proposed Regulation Requiring Permits for Photography and Filming

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today issued the following statement on the Forest Service's proposed rule, expected to be finalized in November, which would require photographers to buy special permits - at a cost of up to $1,500 - to shoot photos or video in wilderness areas: "This proposed regulation is just one example of the kind of federal overreach that comes when we lock up our public lands in wilderness designations," Murkowski said. "Although The Wilderness Act does restrict comm… Continue Reading


Murkowski “Deeply Concerned” About President’s Ocean Waters Block

In an action called a "unilateral move" to cordon off more than 300,000 square miles in the Pacific Ocean from commercial activity, President Obama today designated a large portion of the area off limits through executive action. Senator Lisa Murkowski shared her response: "I am deeply concerned that this Administration has proceeded with the use of the Antiquities Act to block off an additional 350,000 square miles in the Pacific Ocean. Having heard from commercial fishermen and territorial… Continue Reading


Alaska Delegation Pushes FDA to Support U.S. Pollock Fisheries

Alaska's Congressional Delegation and their colleagues from Washington State are pushing the Food and Drug Administration to change the market name for pollock and clearly differentiate it from inferior fish harvested in Russia. Supporting a request by the Genuine Alaska Pollock Producers (GAPP), the bipartisan group of lawmakers wrote a letter (attached) to the Food and Drug Administration Commissioner seeking to change the legal market name from "Alaska pollock" to "pollock" to differentiate A… Continue Reading


Sen. Murkowski Presents New Indicators to Measure Energy Insecurity for Alaskans

U.S. Sens. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, and Tim Scott, R-S.C., on Friday offered a new set of economic indicators to measure the impact of rising energy costs on American families. Murkowski and Scott described the tools in a new report entitled, Plenty at Stake: Indicators of American Energy Insecurity. The report is available on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee website. (Click for video of Sens. Murkowski and Scott discussing their energy insecurity report.) "The cons… Continue Reading


Murkowski Efforts Brush Back New Brewer Regulations

Senator Lisa Murkowski welcomed news from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that it is reconsidering an expensive proposed regulation that would have compelled Alaska's small brewers to take on unnecessary expense when transferring or donating so-called spent grains to farms for animal feed. (Spent grains are the by-product of the brewing process.) Co-chairs of the United States Senate Brewers Caucus, Murkowski and Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) urged the FDA Commissioner in a letter (attached) … Continue Reading


Murkowski Supports Federal Government Funding Bill, Initial Response to ISIS

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski today voted for H.J. 124, the Continuing Resolution bill that passed the House of Representatives yesterday and will fund government operations through December 11th. The bill also includes a provision to begin supporting the moderate Syrian rebel forces as a counter to the ISIS threat. Murkowski shared her reasoning with Alaskans: "As I said last year when I worked with my Senate colleagues to re-open the federal government, a government shutdown bene… Continue Reading


Murkowski Honored for Fight Against Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Senator Lisa Murkowski today was honored by the National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS) for her leadership on the issue at the Smart Moms, Healthy Babies International Commemoration event - hosted by NOFAS to raise national and international awareness about recommendations and resources for a healthy pregnancy. "I am incredibly honored and humbled to be recognized as a champion for the awareness and prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders - which breaks my heart by bein… Continue Reading


Sens. Murkowski, Scott Present New Indicators to Measure U.S. Energy Insecurity

U.S. Sens. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, and Tim Scott, R-S.C., today offered a new set of economic indicators to measure the impact of rising energy costs on American families. Murkowski and Scott described the tools in a new report entitled, Plenty at Stake: Indicators of American Energy Insecurity. The report is available on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee website. "As we seek to understand the consequences higher energy costs have on our constituents, this tool will enable us… Continue Reading


Murkowski’s Work Leads to Alaskanized Food Assistance Policies

Senator Lisa Murkowski's outreach to the Secretary of Agriculture has yielded an agreement from the USDA that they won't use Lower 48 perishable food availability standards to judge how Alaska's rural residents and retailers participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). With the logistical and economic challenges of getting affordable perishable food out to Alaska villages, as well as the lack of broadband connectivity, Murkowski reminded USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack that s… Continue Reading


Sen. Murkowski Criticizes Forest Service for $2 Million Expenditure to Study Tongass Transition

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today questioned the U.S. Forest Service's decision to award a $2.1 million contract to a private firm to develop a report on the effects of the agency's proposed transition to young-growth timber management in the Tongass National Forest. Murkowski said the money would have been better spent assisting Southeast Alaska's struggling timber mills retrofit their existing equipment to handle young-growth. To date, the Forest Service has yet to provide any money -… Continue Reading


Murkowski: GAO Findings Reinforce Reliability Concerns

At the request of U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) today released a report documenting federal agencies' inadequate response to concerns about the potential electric reliability impacts of multiple federal regulations proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The report is an update to GAO's previous work in 2012 on electric reliability. The nonpartisan GAO found that federal agencies have in the last two years taken only "initial step… Continue Reading


Murkowski Statement on 13th Remembrance of 9/11 Attacks

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today Senator Lisa Murkowski shared her thoughts on the 13th anniversary of 9/11: Thirteen years after the tragedies of 9/11, thousands of Alaskans still remember waking up to the national nightmare playing out on every single television; many of us were awakened by friends and relatives in the Lower 48 calling us about the horrible news: that 3,000 people were killed for simply living, working, and being in America. When I reflect back on September 11, 2001, I remember the … Continue Reading


Murkowski: Action Without a Plan Is Not Effective Foreign Policy

Senator Lisa Murkowski tonight responded to President Barack Obama's national remarks explaining his thoughts on dealing with the Islamic State: "Like all Americans, I am extremely concerned with the rapid growth of ISIS and the threat this barbaric group poses to Americans abroad, at home, and our allies around the world. "President Obama recently inadvertently admitted what many Alaskans already knew: that he did not have a strategy to protect Americans against the spread of violent Islamic … Continue Reading

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