

Remarks to the National Fisheries Institute

Good Morning and welcome to Washington D.C. I hope that your, "Walk on the Hill", is going well and your meetings have been very productive. Thank you very much for the opportunity to address you this morning. I first want to compliment the National Fisheries Institute. You have been a strong voice on behalf of the seafood industry both in Washington D.C. and around the country. There isn't another group out there doing exactly what NFI does and so effectively. Whether it is challenging USA Tod… Continue Reading


Eagle River: Remarks to the Eagle River Chamber of Commerce

So we gather today in Eagle River on this first day of April to talk about Washington, D.C. and how it helps us achieve all of our aspirations as Alaskans. Rest assured, we in Washington have everything under control. The economy is once again booming. Credit easy. Taxes low. TAPS will be full of oil for generations to come because we've finally opened ANWR. We're building three gas lines simultaneously - one through Canada, another to a new LNG terminal in Valdez, a third from the North Slope … Continue Reading


Remarks to Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS) on the State of the Arctic

Good afternoon. It is a pleasure to be here in Miami for the State of the Arctic conference. When people have asked me why the State of the Arctic Conference is in Miami, I have answered, "have you been to Fairbanks in February lately?" Actually, I know how much more convenient Miami is for travel and flights, and I really appreciate all the participation by the international community in this event. I think this is a fine place to talk about the state of Arctic research, science, and policy. A… Continue Reading


Remarks to the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region

"Good morning and welcome to our nation's capital for this meeting of the Standing Committee of the Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region. It is a pleasure to see you all again. "Interest in the Arctic, by both the general public, the media and Arctic and non-Arctic nations, continues to grow. The attention is primarily due to the impacts of climate change and subsequent loss of seasonal sea ice, and interest in shipping lanes and natural resources. ertainly all the attention on the polar bear … Continue Reading


Remarks to Association of American State Geologists

Thank you. It is a great honor to join Senators Domenici, Bingaman, Reid, Craig, and my good friend Ted Stevens in receiving this award from the Association of American State Geologists. I know it is given to persons who have made significant contributions toward advancing the geosciences in public policy. I'm not sure I truly qualify yet, but I'm trying. Last June, in the energy bill that is still pending in the Senate, I sponsored and won an amendment to provide new grant aid to help states … Continue Reading


Floor Speech: Murkowski on Department of Energy's Decision to Drop Yucca License Application

Mr. President, recently the Department of Energy submitted a motion to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to withdraw its license application to construct a spent nuclear fuel and high level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain. The latest rationale? Because we need it too much. "That may seem like a creative interpretation on my part, but at the same time the motion to withdraw was going forward Secretary of Energy Steven Chu noted that due to the revival of the nuclear industry, Yucc… Continue Reading


Remarks to the CQ-Roll Call Forum on Natural Gas in the New Energy Economy

Good morning and thank you for inviting me to be with you today. I have a lot of confidence in America's natural gas industry, your organization's leadership - and generally the leadership of the entire natural gas industry. We have worked closely over the past year with AGA and other natural gas interests on responsible energy policy. The reality, though, is that energy legislation is largely stalled in the Senate and it's uncertain what this administration's policy is going forward. I'm not … Continue Reading


Remarks to the National Geographic Education Foundation

Mr. Noonan, Dr. Edelson, thank you for recognizing my love of geography with this wonderful award. Any photo of Alaska is beautiful, but one taken by a National Geographic photographer is to be treasured. I am delighted that the National Geographic Society and the National Geographic Education Foundation are working to ensure that each child in America has access to the very best geographic education possible. I am pleased to be able to assist in that effort. The study of geography teaches us … Continue Reading


Remarks to the National Congress of American Indians Executive Council Winter Session

Thank you for the introduction Ms. Majel-Dixon. I appreciate the opportunity to join you this afternoon. It is always an honor to be with so many tribal leaders from across the Country. I had the opportunity to visit with some of you, and many Alaska Native tribal leaders during President Obama's White House meeting with tribal leaders. As you all know and have been following in the media, we have been experiencing tumultuous times in Congress. However, when it comes to the work of Indian Count… Continue Reading


Remarks to Council on Foreign Relations Arctic Roundtable

"Good afternoon. It is my distinct pleasure to be back at the Council on Foreign Relations today to discuss one of my favorite subjects, the Arctic. As all of us in this room are aware, the United States is an Arctic nation because of Alaska. But, what does it mean to be an Arctic nation? I believe that the Federal Government is just waking up to this reality and we are frantically trying to define exactly what that distinction means. In my view, being an Arctic nation means that the United Stat… Continue Reading


Remarks to the Habitat for Humanity International Legislative and Advocacy Conference

Thank you, Mr. Gipson, for your warm introduction. Good afternoon, Mr. Seidel, Congressman Shuler, Ms. Goren, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great pleasure to be here today to recognize and salute the work of so many Habitat for Humanity volunteers. Welcome to Washington, D.C. Thank you for inviting me to speak with you today. I've been asked to speak to you today about the wonderful partnership between Habitat for Humanity, AmeriCorps, and VISTA. Before I do that, however, I would like to salut… Continue Reading


Anchorage -- Remarks to the World Affairs Council

Good morning. I am happy to be home. I thank the World Affairs Council for the chance to talk about some of our most important foreign engagements in a generation. The World Affairs Council has long played an important role in increasing Alaskan's awareness and understanding of critical global issues. Today, I'd like to offer you some of my insights about some of the hottest of hot spots in the news. Just last month I traveled with Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and several other coll… Continue Reading


Sen. Murkowski's Remarks to the Alaska State Legislature

Remarks of Senator Lisa Murkowski to the Alaska LegislatureFebruary 18, 2010Juneau, Alaska*** AS PREPARED FOR DELIVERY *** in the Alaska Legislature, I'm glad to be home. And to our fellow Alaskans who are watching on Gavel to Gavel and listening on APRN and KTOO, thank you for inviting me into your home. My family is the thing that grounds me and allows me to wake up with a smile every day. But the things that are going on in Washington are serious and weighty. Our Nation faces unprecedente… Continue Reading


Floor Speech: Murkowski on Obama's Conflicting Energy Policy

Mr. President, when President Obama delivered his first State of the Union Address two weeks ago, I was pleasantly surprised by his remarks on energy policy. In addition to calling for bipartisan legislation, the President indicated his support for more nuclear energy and new oil and gas development. Those are all positive steps, not least because they would draw strong support here in Congress and help create jobs all across the country.Having listened to the President's ideas, I looked forward… Continue Reading


Remarks to the National Indian Education Association Legislative Summit

Thank you, President Patricia Whitefoot, for your gracious invitation to speak with you and the members of the National Indian Education Association. It is both an honor and a pleasure to be here with you again this year. I want to recognize and thank Past President Ryan Wilson, of the Lakota Oglala, for his kindness and friendship. And to NIEA's great Executive Director, Lillian Sparks, who will be our next great Commissioner of the Administration for Native Americans at HHS, I say thank you a… Continue Reading


Floor Speech: Murkowski Pays Tribute to Alaskan Education Pioneer William Demmert

Mr. President, I rise today to honor Dr. William G. Demmert, known by many as Kaagoowu (a man with the strength of a stump) of the Tlingit ''Naasteidi'' Eagle clan--a pioneer in the cause of improving Indian education and the Nation's leading researcher on Native language immersion and culturally based education. I am saddened to report that Dr. Demmert, an invaluable pioneer in the cause of justice for Indian education, died January 19, 2010, in Bellingham, WA, at the age of 75. He was a man … Continue Reading


Ketchikan: Murkowski's Remarks from the Swan-Tyee Electric Intertie, ‘Throw the Breaker’ Celebration

Good day, and this truly is a GOOD day. The atmosphere for this ceremony is truly electric. But I can't tell you what a pleasure it is to be here today for this ceremony marking the completion and operation of this first segment of a Southeast Intertie project, the opening of the Swan-Tyee Intertie. It is hard to believe it has been 15 years since Ketchikan government first started this effort and nearly 13 years since the E-I-S was issued marking the official start of the project to build an i… Continue Reading


Floor Speech: Murkowski Introduces EPA Disapproval Resolution

"Mr. President, over the past five months I've repeatedly expressed concern about the Environmental Protection Agency's decision to issue back-door climate regulations under the Clean Air Act. I spoke at length about this issue here on the Senate floor in September, and then again in December. I've also discussed it with dozens of groups, from all across the political spectrum, and found there is remarkably widespread agreement with my views. "As the EPA moves closer and closer to issuing these… Continue Reading


Floor Speech: Murkowski Comments on Negative Affects Health Care Bill Will Have on Alaskans

Mr. President, I wish to acknowledge the very eloquent and articulate comments of my friend from Florida. We recognize that his time in the Senate has been relatively short, but in terms of an individual jumping in with both feet and embracing the challenges we clearly have in front of us and representing the constituents of the State of Florida in the manner he has, I think that deserves public recognition, and I thank the Senator for his leadership. We have had occasion to talk about the simi… Continue Reading


Floor Speech: Murkowski Seeks to Halt EPA Endangerment of U.S. Economy

Floor Speech: Disapproval Resolution for Endangerment FindingDecember 2009 Mr. President, I know the Senate is primarily focused on health care right now, but I've come to the floor to speak on another important topic, and that's climate change. I'd like to discuss a recent action by the Environmental Protection Agency, the consequences it could entail for our economy, and why Congress must prevent it from taking effect. Let me start by reminding my colleagues that I have committed to a carefu… Continue Reading

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