

SPEECH: Annual Address to Alaska State Legislature

President Meyer, Speaker Chenault, fellow legislators and fellow Alaskans: thank you for this invitation and for hosting us today. I say "us" because several members of my team are here in the gallery: my chief of staff, Ed Hild; my deputy chief of staff, Kate Williams (Juneau); my senior policy advisor on the Energy Committee, Mike Pawlowski (Juneau); my Alaska communications director, Karina Petersen (Soldotna); my fisheries assistant, Ephraim Froehlich (Juneau); and Connie McKenzie, who lead… Continue Reading


SPEECH: Armed Services YMCA Salute to the Military

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to this 38th annual Salute to the Military. A warm round of applause for Buddy Whitt and his team at the Armed Services Y for putting this outstanding event together. And thank you all for coming out, as you do every year, to enthusiastically demonstrate this community's support for our military. This week I had the pleasure of meeting with the new Secretary of Defense, Dr. Ashton Carter. Dr. Carter is an individual who is no stranger to the State of… Continue Reading


FLOOR SPEECH: Introduction of Bipartisan Sportsmen's Act of 2015

I've come to the Floor to speak in support of the Bipartisan Sportsmen's Act of 2015, which I co-sponsored and introduced today with my friend from New Mexico, Senator Heinrich. I want to start by thanking Senator Heinrich and his staff for working with us to revise and re-introduce this important bill. I also greatly appreciate the bipartisan leadership of the Senate Sportsmen's Caucus on these issues. I very much look forward to working with the Caucus and others in this chamber to advance t… Continue Reading


SPEECH: Alaska Federation of Natives

Over the past year we have had the pleasure of meeting in places like St Mary's, Togiak, New Stu, Kwig and Point Hope. Thank you for inviting me into your homes. Thank you sharing your traditional foods with me. Thank you for sharing with me the most personal details of your lives. Julie, Ana and Tara, I rely on your advice and counsel to keep me plugged in while I'm back in Washington. And I rely on a great many others in this room. You know who you are. But I want everyone - and especially t… Continue Reading


SPEECH: Council of Arctic Parliamentarians

It's good to be with you. It's really impressive as I look out the window behind me and see the Yukon River. About three days ago I was at the mouth of the Yukon River 2,000 miles-1,800 miles from here. It is a reminder to me, a very direct reminder of this very shared relationship that we have in my state of Alaska and the Yukon territory here; between my country the United States and our closest northern neighbor Canada. But it is a reminder of all those things that we share. The greeting "gun… Continue Reading


Senator Murkowski Address to the Alaska State Legislature

Mr. Speaker, President Huggins, Legislators, fellow Alaskans -- Thank you for the opportunity to be back yet again- it's been twelve years. I just saw Andrew Halcro in the bleacher seats back there and it's just hard to believe that I have been representing you back in Washington, DC for 12 years, and that it has been that long since I have been with you as a member in the House calling you colleagues. So thank you for the welcome home this morning. You come in on a day like today with the blue… Continue Reading


Murkowski: Shutdown Should Not Happen Again

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today announced she is co-sponsoring the bipartisan End Government Shutdown Act, after spending the recent Alaska work period talking with Alaskans statewide who were impacted by the 16 day federal government shutdown. The legislation would create a trigger to fund the government if a fiscal year ended without a new funding bill passed by Congress. "When the federal government shuts down, the effects are felt by not just Alaskans who are federal employee… Continue Reading


Senator Lisa Murkowski's speech to the Alaska Federation of Natives

Good afternoon Lead with love. That`s what I learned from Valerie Davidson last week. Lead with love and what we just shared on the screen were voices from youth, voices from elder talking about leadership. When we're here in these halls leadership and what it means and how it defines what we do is part of the task in front of us. This year marks the tenth year that I have served you in the United States Senate. This is a significant anniversary. When you have a ten year anniversary it's import… Continue Reading


Video Message: Senator Murkowski State of the Arctic: Alaska

As I look at the number and variety of participants at this conference, I can't help but get excited at the level of attention the Arctic has received of late. Just look at the issues covered in the agenda: climate change, energy, security, business cooperation, research, shipping, infrastructure, investment, health, tourism. And from an Alaskans perspective, there is plenty of reason to be excited- our federal government seems to have finally realized that the United States in an Arctic nation… Continue Reading


Senator Murkowski Remarks: 2013 Energy Outlook

Remarks: Energy Outlook Event (Dentons and Navigant Consulting) Senator Lisa Murkowski July 16, 2013 Good afternoon and thanks for the opportunity to join you here today. It's not every day that I get to speak with such a large group of top-notch legal and analytical thinkers, so a special thanks to Dentons and Navigant for organizing this series of panels on the world's energy outlook. As the Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, I'm glad that all of you … Continue Reading


Senator Murkowski Keynote: US Arctic Research Commission and Naval Ice Center

Good morning and thank you for the invitation to be with you for this Symposium. On a warm and sticky day it is always a good thing to start off by thinking cool thoughts - Arctic ice. But as the title for this event notes, there is less of it these days. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, since 2000 the minimum sea ice extent in the Arctic polar cap has been cut in half and reached a record low last year. Perhaps just as importantly, the Norwegian Polar Institute - Norway's… Continue Reading


Senator Murkowski Remarks: 2013 EIA Energy Conference

Good morning, and thank you, Adam, for that kind introduction. It is a true pleasure to be here. At this early hour I'm reminded of advice the English poet William Blake once gave: "Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night." We're off to a good start, aren't we? I love gatherings like this - the world's leading experts coming together to discuss the world's most interesting topics with incredible breadth and depth. As the Ranking Member of the Senate Energy… Continue Reading


Keynote Address on Geological Impacts of U.S. Tight Oil Boom

The Geopolitical Impacts of the U.S. Tight Oil BoomSen. Lisa MurkowskiJune 12, 2013 "Thank you, Senator Domenici for that wonderful welcome and introduction. It is truly a pleasure to be here at the Bipartisan Policy Center to help kickoff your discussion about the geopolitical impacts of our tight oil boom. "As the title of this event suggests, the ramifications for our nation's strategic posture will be profound. Even after just a few years, we are already beginning to see the significant sh… Continue Reading


Senator Murkowski Address to the Alaska State Legislature

Senator Murkowski Address to the Alaska State Legislature: Part 1 Juneau, AK (Click on image to view video) It's wonderful to be back home and to be with so many of you. The opportunity to visit ahead of time, I think is the best part of what I get to do with my annual return to deliver comments to you here in Juneau. You know the drill. We start with how the family is doing - how the boys are. For those of you who are new to this chamber and don't know, when I was serving here my boys were … Continue Reading


Senator Murkowski Remarks on F-16 Relocation EIS Scoping Meetings

Brigadier General Malakowski and members of the EIS team, thank you for traveling to Fairbanks today to hear the views of Interior Alaska on the Air Force's plan to warm base and downsize Eielson Air Force Base - a plan that will decimate the economy of the base's surrounding communities and break the Golden Hearts of a community that has gone all out to support the Air Force for decades and decades. What the Air Force proposes to do to this community is nothing less than shameful in light of … Continue Reading


Senator Murkowski Addresses the Alaska Federation of Natives

There is nothing better than being home and it is so wonderful to be at the annual gathering, this annual family gathering that we call AFN. I thank you for opening your homes, your schools, your communities to me as I travel across the state. And I thank you for the warm welcome you show me as we gather together every year. You need to know that my heart is truly filled with the love that I feel you share with me. That's not something that political leaders like to talk about- love and the… Continue Reading


Senator Lisa Murkowski Remarks to Arent Fox/GWU Energy Policy Forum

Senator Lisa Murkowski Remarks to Arent Fox/GWU Energy Policy Forum June 5, 2012 ***As Prepared for Delivery*** Good morning and thank you, Bob, for that kind introduction. A special thanks to Arent Fox and George Washington University for sponsoring this forum. Senator Dorgan and Senator Bennett - it's good to see you both again, and I appreciate your continued efforts to improve our nation's energy policy. I enjoyed working with both of you on the Energy and Natural Resources Commit… Continue Reading


Sen. Murkowski Remarks to Alaska State Legislature

Remarks of Senator Lisa Murkowski to the Alaska State Legislature February 23, 2012; 10:00 A.M ***As Prepared for Delivery*** Mr. Speaker, Mr. President, my colleagues of the Alaska Legislature, good morning. And to our fellow Alaskans watching and listening throughout our state, thank you for inviting me into your homes. People say our nation is deeply divided, but in Alaska things are different. All of us - whether we live in town or in the Bush, whether we are pioneers or recent arriva… Continue Reading


Alaska Day Floor Speech

Sen. Murkowski: Floor Statement on Alaska Day: October 18, 2011 ***AS PREPARED FOR DELIVERY*** I rise to speak on the 144th anniversary of Alaska Day, the day that commemorates the first raising of the Stars and Stripes over Lord Baranof's Castle in Sitka, Alaska. At the time, Sitka was called New Archangel, and until that moment, it was the capital of Russian America. We celebrate Alaska's statehood today - October 18th - our now 52-year-old compact with the United States, and its promise t… Continue Reading


Remarks to 4th Symposium on the Impacts of an Ice-Diminished Arctic on Naval and Maritime Operations

Sen. Murkowski Remarks : 4th Symposium on the Impacts of an Ice-Diminished Arctic on Naval and Maritime Operations June 21, 2011 at 9:20 a.m. Navy Memorial ***As Prepared For Delivery*** Thank you and good morning. I am very pleased to be here at the Fourth Symposium on the Impacts of an Ice-Diminished Arctic. I continue to be impressed by the support for the conference, the caliber of your speakers and the continued interest in the issue. Clearly, the impacts of an ice-diminished … Continue Reading

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