
April 2009
Remarks to Youth Service America
March 2009
Floor Speech: Murkowski Introduces Bill to Create a National Volcano Monitoring System
Remarks to the National Federation of Republican Women
Floor Speech: Murkowski Congratulates Lance Mackey and His Team on Winning the Iditarod
National Commission on Energy Policy's New Energy for America Summit
Remarks on the NOAA-EVOS 20th Anniversary Event
Murkowski Statement at Smart Grid Hearing
February 2009
Floor Speech: Murkowski Introduces ANWR Directional Drilling Legislation
Floor Speech: Murkowski Introduces D.C. Voting Rights Constitutional Amendment
Senator Murkowski Addresses Alaska Legislature
Floor Speech: Murkowski Criticizes Wasteful Spending in Stimulus
January 2009
Floor Speech: Murkowski Fights for Alaska Territorial Guard Retirement Pay
November 2008
Senator Murkowski's tribute to Senator Stevens
September 2008
Senator Murkowski’s remarks to the CSIS Conference: Arctic Resource Potential & Development
June 2008
May 2008
Climate Change Conference
Senator Murkowski's Floor Speech on the American Energy Production Act of 2008
Executive Committee U.S. Oil & Gas Assn. Board of Directors
April 2008
Higher Energy Taxes, ANWR One Solution
Global Marine Renewable Energy Conf. Ocean Renewable Energy Association
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