
April 2010
Remarks to the Center for Strategic and International Studies on U.S. Arctic Interests
Remarks to the National Fisheries Institute
Eagle River: Remarks to the Eagle River Chamber of Commerce
March 2010
Remarks to Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS) on the State of the Arctic
Remarks to the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Remarks to Association of American State Geologists
Floor Speech: Murkowski on Department of Energy's Decision to Drop Yucca License Application
Remarks to the CQ-Roll Call Forum on Natural Gas in the New Energy Economy
Remarks to the National Geographic Education Foundation
Remarks to the National Congress of American Indians Executive Council Winter Session
Remarks to Council on Foreign Relations Arctic Roundtable
February 2010
Remarks to the Habitat for Humanity International Legislative and Advocacy Conference
Anchorage -- Remarks to the World Affairs Council
Sen. Murkowski's Remarks to the Alaska State Legislature
Floor Speech: Murkowski on Obama's Conflicting Energy Policy
Remarks to the National Indian Education Association Legislative Summit
Floor Speech: Murkowski Pays Tribute to Alaskan Education Pioneer William Demmert
January 2010
Ketchikan: Murkowski's Remarks from the Swan-Tyee Electric Intertie, ‘Throw the Breaker’ Celebration
Floor Speech: Murkowski Introduces EPA Disapproval Resolution
December 2009
Floor Speech: Murkowski Comments on Negative Affects Health Care Bill Will Have on Alaskans
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