Articles & Op-eds

April 2009
Op-Ed: Murkowski: Outlook for Passing Legislation Is Positive
Jason Lamb and Rebecca Palsha: Murkowski unveils ANWR drilling plan to Legislature
Salazar hears Alaska perspectives on offshore oil and gas development
Senator Murkowski has lunch with the Ladies
Alaska senator, central in energy debate, sometimes is at odds with fellow Republicans: Going Her Own Way
Doctor says Sen. Murkowski expected to make full recovery from knee surgery
Denali Park isn't the obstacle skeptics claim it is: EDITORIAL: Bullet line
Murkowski introduces bullet line bill
Sen. Murkowski asks for U.S. volcano network
Volcano monitoring needs stable federal funding: EDITORIAL: Explosive subject
March 2009
Murkowski calls for national volcano monitoring
Ski accident does not deter Murkowski's rise
February 2009
Murkowski Op-Ed: Gun bill is going nowhere
Originally Published in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner on February 27, 2009: Op-Ed: Gun bill is going nowhere
ANWR: Oil companies would set up shop on periphery, drill at slant.: Murkowski proposes directional drilling in ANWR
Murkowski delivers Republican rebuttal to stimulus bill
January 2009
Op-Ed: America’s responsibility and opportunity as an Arctic nation
December 2008
Op-Ed: Sen. Murkowski votes against auto bailout legislation
October 2008
Op-Ed: Open the Outer Continental Shelf to energy exploration
August 2008
from Congressional Quarterly: Op-Ed: Law of the Sea Treaty
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