Articles & Op-eds

December 2017
KTUU: KTUU: Senator Murkowski on GOP Tax Plan
The Hill: The Hill: Murkowski pushes back on ObamaCare 'scare tactics'
Alaska Journal of Commerce: AJOC EDITORIAL: GOP finally delivers on promise to Americans
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Delegates praise ANWR opening in tax bill
November 2017
OPINION: Why I Support Eliminating the Individual Mandate Tax Penalty
Defense Video Imagery Distribution System: OPINION: 150 years of the Army in Alaska
October 2017
KSRM: KSRM: Allowing Alaska Ivory Act Introduced To Remove Bans
September 2017
The Hill: The Hill: OPINION: Congress has a chance to make saving for college a lot easier
Alaska Dispatch News: OPINION: We can reform health care with open process, all hands
August 2017
Gray DC: GRAY TV: A nutritional trendsetter, Sen. Murkowski growing lettuce on Capitol Hill
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Health reform revived: Murkowski says bills will advance via committee process
July 2017
Alaska Public Media: Alaska Public Media: Bill rider holds GE salmon at bay
E&E News: E&E News: Timber interests cheer Senate energy bill provision
Alaska Dispatch News: Alaska Dispatch News: An Alaskan wants to put a lettuce tower in every elementary school in America
Alaska Dispatch News: Alaska Dispatch News: Farming Alaska’s seas
SitNews: SitNews: Bills Introduced to Improve the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act
June 2017
The Hill: The Hill: Op-ed: Supporting the role of subnational governments and the value they add to our interests in the Arctic
Alaska Public Radio Network: APRN: Cordova hosts U.S. Senate field hearing on microgrids
Alaska Dispatch News : Alaska Dispatch News: OPINION: Investment in national parks pays rich return for Alaska
Alaska Dispatch News: Alaska Dispatch News: Interior secretary vows to reinvigorate Alaska oil industry
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