
Remarks to the National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease (WomenHeart)

*** As Prepared for Delivery ***

"Good evening and thank you to the WomenHeart Organization for tonight's event and for selecting a beautiful venue here, at the Italian Embassy. This is quite different from the hotels and large podiums that I'm used to.

"I want to thank the leadership of the WomenHeart Organization for this award and would like to take this opportunity to recognize my constituents Mary Hicks from Juneau & Sharon Sleater from Soldotna, for making the long journey to Washington to advocate for common sense legislation - the HEART for Women Act - which will help our health care providers better understand and recognize heart disease, stroke and cardiovascular disease among women, as well as to ensure that low income women have access to effective cardiovascular screening programs.

"Let me take a moment to say that I am truly grateful for this recognition and I accept this award on behalf of the good work you all have done. So together tonight, let's recognize our efforts and the work we still need to do without ever forgetting each and every women who touched our lives and was ultimately taken by cardiovascular disease, heart disease or stroke.

"And for those of you in this room who have personal stories to share, I want to recognize you and thank you for the testimonies you provide when meeting with Members of Congress to advocate for the HEART for Women Act.

"Passing legislation, as we all know, isn't easy, but through your advocacy we have the support of 139 House Members and 39 Senators, which makes me very hopeful that we can see the HEART for Women Act perhaps incorporated into the health care reform proposal that is currently being designed and debated.

"So thank you for this recognition and know that I will keep this award in my office as a reminder of the work that we have done and the work that we still need to do to see this legislation enacted into law.

"Thank you."

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