
Ted Stevens Mountain, Ice Field Signed Into Law

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and U.S. Congressman Don Young (R-Alaska) today commended President Obama for signing into law their legislation naming a mountain and ice field after Ted Stevens.

“It is a real tribute to all Alaskans that this bipartisan legislation passed quickly through both chambers and is now being signed into law on Alaska Day,” Murkowski said. “Ted Stevens played such a vital role in Alaska’s history and this ensures that he will be remembered by generations to come.”

"I can think of no better way to celebrate Alaska Day than by the signing of this legislation celebrating a true Alaskan hero and my very dear friend, Ted Stevens," said Rep. Young. "This is a very fitting tribute for a man so dedicated not only to the great state of Alaska but to our nation. It is only appropriate that we honor him with something as enormous as his contributions were."

Murkowski and Young, introduced the legislation in their respective chambers, where it was approved by unanimous consent last month. The legislation requires the U.S. Geological Place Names Board to christen the peak and ice field within 30 days of passage.

Stevens Peak – commonly known as South Hunter Peak – is located in Denali National Park and Preserve, just south of Mount McKinley, and is visible from the Parks Highway. At 13,895 feet, the mountain is the tallest unnamed peak in Alaska.

The Ted Stevens Ice Field encompasses the northern and eastern half of the Chugach Mountains, which is the foundation for the Harvard, Matanuska, Columbia and numerous other Southcentral glaciers.

“Stevens was a dear friend of ours and we’re honored to be able to commemorate him and keep his memory alive with this piece of legislation,” Murkowski said.

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