
Sullivan, Murkowski Resolution Recalls Exxon Valdez Tragedy

U.S. Senators Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) yesterday introduced a resolution in the U.S. Senate marking the 30th anniversary of the disastrous Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska. The collision of the Exxon Valdez tanker with Bligh Reef in the early morning of March 24, 1989 resulted in the release of roughly eleven million gallons of crude oil into the open ocean, impacting more than 1,300 miles of coastline.

“The Exxon Valdez disaster marked a turning point in the history of Alaska and our country’s oil industry, ushering in new rules for safe shipping transit, double-hull construction of tankers, and detailed prevention and contingency plans, among other important modernizations,” said Senator Sullivan. “While safety precautions and spill response measures in Alaska’s waters have improved dramatically since that fateful Friday, the Prince William Sound and Gulf of Alaska regions still feel the stinging devastation of the spill – the wildlife, the coastal communities, the small businesses and fishing operations. The Exxon Valdez must be a constant reminder that, in our pursuit of developing Alaska’s abundant, world-class natural resources, our state and federal government must always have responsible safeguards in place to protect our people and the pristine lands and waters we all cherish.”

“Thirty years ago this week, Alaskans experienced an unprecedented environmental disaster that we will never forget,” said Senator Murkowski. “The Exxon Valdez oil spill changed the lives of thousands of Alaskans, specifically the people of Prince William Sound, forever. Those who lived through the spill know what it means to fight to maintain a way of life, a healthy community, a clean environment, and a natural resource driven economy, all at the same time. The oil spill defined a part of their lives and experience forever, but the most important part of their story is that they refused to relinquish hope after tragedy struck. This spirit of determination exemplified by the Alaskans who witnessed and responded to the spill is inspiring, and sets an example going forward. This anniversary is a reminder that we must make every effort to continue to improve our ability to protect Alaska’s water, land, and resources and to never forget.”

 To view the full resolution submitted by Senators Sullivan and Murkowski, CLICK HERE.


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