
Statement from Senator Murkowski on Portland Protests

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) issued the following statement in regards to the protests in Portland, Oregon:

“The deployment of federal forces usually takes place at the request of local elected leaders. When the partnership between local law enforcement and federal law enforcement is enacted properly, it can be helpful in deescalating situations and dealing with crime and violence. That’s something we should be encouraging. I am aware of the situation in Portland—and while I do not think any of us have all of the facts of what happened—it appears that these “unmarked” federal forces aren’t working in harmony with the city, but rather coming in as their own police force. The civil rights and liberties of every citizen must be respected, and any arrests must be done lawfully and with probable cause. I am deeply concerned at anything that puts law enforcement in conflict with the communities they serve and feel strongly we need to be defusing tensions not exacerbating them.”