
Senator Murkowski Speaks at AFN’s Alaska Day Event in DC

Addresses the Need for Infrastructure and Development in Alaska and the Arctic

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) kicked off the Alaska Federation of Natives’ (AFN) Alaska Day event this week in our nation’s capital to address opportunities and challenges we face at our northernmost border and educate policymakers on Alaska’s strategic significance. This two-day briefing includes Alaska Native leaders, high-level military personnel, the Alaska Congressional Delegation and staff, Cabinet officials, and representatives in telecommunications, energy, and commerce.

During the briefing, Senator Murkowski discussed the important role of Congress in working to address issues surrounding Alaska and the Arctic.

“What we need to do here in Congress to help facilitate the work that you all are doing is an ongoing education effort. And I was keenly reminded of that when we hosted an Indian Affairs Committee field hearing out in Savoonga, in September. An opportunity to shine a light on an issue, overcrowding, that most Alaskans know and understand, is part of the reality often times in rural Alaska, and in ways that are so extreme that most cannot appreciate or understand. So, the opportunity to raise awareness is what we have tried to do.”

 Alaska Day 2019

(Click the image above to watch Senator Murkowski’s opening remarks)

Senator Murkowski went on to highlight how essential it is that all parties involved have a seat at the table in planning and developing policy for the Arctic region, including in the maritime sector.

“I have been working to introduce legislation that updates our Arctic policy, as well as a measure that directs itself specifically to Arctic shipping areas. It’s important to not only make sure that we know what the rules of the road are, but that the people who live in the region have a voice and have a say in these policies that are being laid down.”

Related Issues: Alaska Natives & Rural Alaska, Energy, Arctic