
Senator Murkowski Shares Thoughts on Memorial Day

Senator Murkowski today shared her thoughts on Memorial Day:

“It’s easy to get caught up in the rush of Memorial Day Weekend—the barbeques, camping, fishing, and hiking. It’s the unofficial start of the summer, something that after a long winter, Alaskans love to celebrate. However, I encourage Alaskans to keep in mind what it’s all really about. Memorial Day is rooted in the word ‘memory’—it’s a time to remember the dedication of our fallen soldiers, and reflect on what has been sacrificed for our country. Many left American soil to go fight for our country, only to never step foot on it again. 

“Memorial Day is a day to honor those who paid the ultimate price in defense of our liberties. In Alaska, where we have the highest concentration of veterans in the nation, we especially understand the significance and solemnity of today. From the soldiers of Attu, to the members of the Alaska Territorial Guard, to the conflicts around the world where Alaskans stood up for the nation’s defense, we remember all who no longer stand with us, but whose names and memories are a testimony to this nation's commitment to freedom.

“Because of this, let us try to live our lives and do the sorts of things that preserve their honor. It need not be a day marked by sorrow but by appreciating the nation they protected – and all it stands for. Let’s carry on our lives, move forward, and cherish our liberties in a manner that is worthy of their sacrifice. 

“Nobody honors our military better than Alaska does. I know there were many ceremonies held around the state this weekend—and that makes me so proud. May we make even the smallest attempt to repay them with our unwavering gratitude.”