
Senator Murkowski Shares Memorial Day Message

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) released the following message in observance of Memorial Day.

Memorial Day 2020

(Click here to watch video.)

“For Alaskans, Memorial Day is typically our big kick-off for summer, with sunlight nearly all day and a long weekend to enjoy the great outdoors with our friends and family. It is also a day of tradition and ceremony as we honor the fallen who have served our nation.

“This year is different for us as many of our Memorial Day ceremonies are cancelled or as we follow new guidance due to the coronavirus. But it doesn’t take a large gathering or multiple speeches by dignitaries to honor those who have bravely defended America and all that we hold dear.

“Let each of us, and with our families, in our own way, reflect on the service and sacrifice of those in our armed services who gave their lives in defense of our great nation. Remember their children and families who loved and supported them. These heroes selflessly sacrificed for the freedoms we enjoy today and we honor them.

“To you and your families: Be safe. Be well.”