

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Murkowski today offered the following remarks for Memorial Day: “At Christmas time, we are reminded to step back from the presents, the parties and the merriment and remember the ‘reason for the season.’ This year, on the occasion of Memorial Day those who serve our country need you to do that more than ever before. Remember the Alaska National Guardsmen from communities across the state who have been serving in Kuwait for nearly a year. Remember the Marine from the Kenai Peninsula who enlisted in the service of our Nation after participating in the Young Marines program in his community and gave the ultimate sacrifice. Remember spouses of the fallen servicemen and women who today are teaching their children the true meaning of Memorial Day, perhaps for the very first time. Remember the veterans of conflicts past – some of whom continue to struggle with the way that war changes people decades after they left the service. Remember, the service member who is traveling through Iraq this weekend hoping to avoid a close encounter with an IED. And remember the members of our Armed Forces who are away from their families this weekend serving in Afghanistan and any number of other trouble spots around the world. As Alaskans we have many opinions about our Nation’s involvements overseas. But when it comes to our support for the members of our Armed Forces, their families, and our veterans we speak with one voice. Ask anyone who has ever served in Alaska and they will tell you that Alaskans support the members of our military like nowhere else. I know that many of my fellow Alaskans will be out and about enjoying the beginning of Alaska’s summer this Memorial Day weekend. I hope that it is a safe one. But as you enjoy our Great Land, take a moment to recognize those whose sacrifices give us the freedom to enjoy the season.”