

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senators Murkowski and Stevens today concluded a two-day trip with United States Department of Education Secretary Margaret Spellings in which they visited with students, educators, administrators and policymakers. The No Child Left Behind Act, the Administration’s key education policy, is up for reauthorization in Congress this year. Senator Murkowski has introduced legislation that will make changes to the law to address Alaska’s needs. “I was encouraged that Secretary Spellings was able to see some of the unique challenges we face in Alaska,” said Senator Murkowski. “While NCLB has helped to bring about positive changes to school policies and procedures, and has ensured that more students are getting the help they need to succeed in schools, we also know that there are areas that can be improved.” Secretary Spellings had positive things to say about her experience in Alaska. “In Alaska students are achieving results, and I am excited to continue the national dialogue on education and discuss ways to build on the progress being made and reach the goal of having all students read and do math on grade level by 2014,” said Secretary Spellings. “I’m encouraged by the teachers, administrators, students and parents who have taken time to meet us on the road and engage in serious discussions about education in Alaska.”