
Senate To Take Up Murkowski’s Bipartisan Energy Innovation Bill

Includes More Than 50 Bills Reflecting the Priorities of More Than 60 Members

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (ENR), spoke today after the Senate voted to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to S. 2657, the vehicle for the American Energy Innovation Act (AEIA).

Floor Speech Energy Innovation 03.02.20

Click photo for video of Murkowski’s floor statement

Below are excerpts from Murkowski’s floor remarks:

“It has now been more than 12 years since Congress enacted comprehensive legislation to update our nation’s energy laws. During that time the shale revolution has turned America into an energy superpower. The costs of renewable resources have come down dramatically. New technologies are emerging, but our policies have not kept pace. We are missing out on opportunities to further our energy leadership, and we are failing to adequately address some very significant challenges. 

“There should be no question this package is a good step in the right direction to continue reducing our nation’s greenhouse gas emissions. We will never accomplish that without technology, and that is exactly what our bill promotes.” 

Background Information

AEIA contains measures sponsored by more than 60 Senators. Its key provisions focus on energy efficiency; renewable energy; energy storage; carbon capture, utilization, and storage; advanced nuclear; industrial and vehicle technologies; the Department of Energy; mineral security; cyber and grid security and modernization; and workforce development.

The bills in this package have undergone extensive regular order process. Numerous groups, including local, regional, and national companies and associations, support the package or specific provisions within it. More information on S. 2657 is available here. Click here for the text of the substitute amendment.

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