

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The United States Senate today passed a Senate-House conference report of H.R. 1495, the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA). The legislation passed the Senate on May 16, but due to changes made to the original House bill, it was sent to a conference of Senate and House negotiators. The new version of the legislation has now been approved by both the Senate and the House and will be sent to the President. Congress authorizes specific Army Corps of Engineers projects in WRDA, including studies, before appropriating funds to them. Congress has not completed a WRDA since 2000. “Passage of WRDA is long overdue,” said Senator Murkowski. “I applaud the members of the House and Senate Conference Committees for acting on this bill so that we can finally appropriate funds for critical infrastructure projects across the country.” “By authorizing funding for two dozen projects in Alaska, this legislation will help develop our state’s essential infrastructure. From remote villages to some of our larger communities, thousands of Alaskans will benefit from the passage of this bill. I join Senator Murkowski in strongly supporting WRDA being signed into law,” said Senator Stevens. Senators Murkowski and Stevens secured several projects for Alaska in the Senate version of the bill that were included to the final conference report. They include: • Haines Small Boat Harbor - Authorizes $11 million to provide additional protection to the existing 2.25-hectare mooring and maneuvering basin and add a new adjacent 6.60-hectare basin with an additional entrance channel. • Black Lake – Authorizes a study to determine the effects of erosion and a potential aquatic restoration project at the head of the Chignik watershed. • Kodiak - Authorizes $2 million for the Secretary to carry out, on an emergency basis, the necessary removal of rubble, sediment, and rock impeding the entrance to the St. Herman and St. Paul Harbors. • Valdez – Authorizes a feasibility study and $20 million for construction of a new small boat harbor. • Sitka – Authorizes $6.3 million to repair the breakwater at Thomson Harbor. • Seward – Authorizes $3.3 million to extend the outer breakwater of the small boat harbor. • Wrangell – Raises the water supply project authorization limit, from $25 million to $45 million, for a future appropriation. • Barrow – Authorizes a feasibility study for new small boat harbor. • Nome – Authorizes a study to determine whether cost increases are due to a design deficiency. • Old Harbor – Authorizes a feasibility study to upgrade the small boat harbor.