
Senate Committee Approves All 12 FY24 Appropriations Bills

In Last Three Bills, Murkowski Works to Support Arctic Defense, Servicemember Wellbeing, and Alaskans’ Future

Today, U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, secured investments for Alaska in the Defense; Homeland Security; and Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (Labor-H) appropriations bills for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24), which were approved by the committee and will now advance to the full Senate for consideration.

Following the full committee markup, which also included the Interior appropriations bill, all 12 appropriations bills are on now their way to the Senate floor for full consideration. This year’s appropriations process—which included full committee hearings and markups for all 12 bills—was the first done through regular order in five years.   

“The Senate Appropriations Committee demonstrated to the American public that as leaders, we can come together in good faith and in a bipartisan manner to debate, markup, and pass bills that will provide the critical funding required for our institutions to function. Our ability to pass all 12 appropriations bills is significant for the American people, and a win for good Senate processes,” said Senator Lisa Murkowski. “Thanks to the leadership of Senators Murray and Collins, and all my fellow colleagues serving on the Appropriations Committee, 12 strong bills are now headed to the Senate floor for full consideration—a task that required bipartisanship and commitment. 

“Alaska is the first line of defense for America. That’s why I’m so proud that the Defense Appropriations bill provides investments to strengthen our defense capabilities in the Arctic by providing the warfighters what they need. This bill enhances our military preparedness in the Far North. We also directed support for our allies and global partners, sending a signal that the U.S. will remain a global leader in protecting democracies around the world. This timely support is critical for Ukraine’s operations as they continue to fight back against Russia’s aggression and war on their sovereignty.

“We’re also focused on Alaska’s public health, workforce development, and education needs.  The Labor-HHS-Education appropriations bill works to improve access to quality healthcare services and invests in mental health response efforts. Alaska’s battle to address healthcare workforce shortages is only made more challenging due to our vast size, so we were focused on addressing deficiencies and bolstering the workforce. We also took a close look at improving maternal health, suicide prevention efforts, children’s mental health, and combatting the opioid epidemic. There are also good investments in training Alaska’s future workforce, both through job training and K-12 and higher education. Our bill works to make Alaska a healthier, safer state.” 


FY24 Appropriations Bills Highlights and Congressionally Directed Spending for Alaska: