
Sen. Murkowski Reacts to White House Stimulus Report

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Vice Chair of the Senate Republican Conference, released the following statement in response to the White House’s report on the Democrats’ trillion dollar stimulus package:

“While the Democrats tout their new report on stimulus spending most Americans are wondering: where are the jobs? The unemployment rate still hovers in the double digits in several states and many job seekers have simply given up trying to find work.

“My constituents in Alaska share the frustration that many people have when looking at what Congress has spent its time on over the past year. The Democrats’ agenda has been to take over health care, student loans and auto manufacturers, advocate for a cap-and-trade system that would further damage our economy, and push America’s debt to more than $13 trillion. These policies have a tremendous impact on women and minorities in particular, who are now more likely than ever to head households and own small businesses.

“If we want to get Americans working again, we must focus on pro-growth policies, such as lowering taxes, reducing the regulatory burdens that face our small businesses and preventing more Washington takeovers that simply add to our debt.”

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