

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today issued the following statement in observance of Veterans’ Day:

“On the 11th hour, on the eleventh day of this eleventh month each year -- the point at which the First World War ended -- communities across America are pausing to remember those who have defended our Nation’s freedom over these past 231 years.


“This Veterans’ Day our hearts are with all who have served and all who are serving in defense of our freedom. Alaska pledges its support to the family members of the deployed during this difficult time.


“Alaska has the proud distinction of being home to one of the highest number of veterans as a percentage of any State’s total population.  We are a community that strongly supports the military and veterans.  Our veterans are growing in number and they need our support now more than ever.  I have every confidence that Alaska will deliver for this generation of veterans – as it has for generations of veterans past. I’m proud to join with my fellow Alaskans in making this happen.


“Thank you and God Bless.”