
Rep. Young and Sen. Murkowski Express Concern Over Obstruction of Logjam Timber Sale

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Don Young and Senator Lisa Murkowski sent the attached letter to Denny Bschor, Regional Forester for the Alaska Region of the U.S. Forest Service, today to express their concern over the appeals filed on the Record of Decision for the Logjam timber sale.

“Once again the extremists have put their own selfish concerns and fundraising goals ahead of the good of people, and I find it disgraceful,” said Rep. Young. “Failure to approve this timber sale will result in job loss, and deliver a severe blow to an already suffering industry. These appeals need to be recognized for the sham that they are and rejected immediately.”

“It’s absolutely vital for the health of the timber industry in Southeast that enough timber be made available for mills to plan and finance their operations. The Logjam sale and its three-year timber supply is crucial for timber operations to continue on Prince of Wales Island,” Sen. Murkowski said.

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