
Oceans Caucus Co-Chair Murkowski Hosts Alaskan Expert

UAF Scientist: “Fantastic” Opportunity to Affect Policy

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Murkowski today convened a briefing of the Senate Oceans Caucus by bringing an expert on the changing ocean environment from the University of Alaska Fairbanks.  Senator Murkowski is co-chair of the caucus and selected Dr. Jeremy Mathis to speak before the group – spurred by a conversation the two shared during a recent Fairbanks visit.

“I am very pleased Dr. Mathis accepted my invitation to present at the Oceans Caucus today,” said Murkowski. “I think the information we will gain about what we’re seeing within our oceans – and the changes we are seeing – is information that other members will be interested in, as we attempt to educate lawmakers about what we are seeing in our oceans.”

Moments before his presentation, Dr. Mathis said “Science can be challenging and it can be frustrating. Knowing that the results that [scientists] are providing and those interpretations are getting to the people who can make sound policy decisions with them is fantastic.” (Click boxes to watch)


