
Murkowski Welcomes Review of Denali Commission Operations

Government Watchdog Will Conduct a Review of Vital Alaskan Service

WASHINGTON, DC — After a series of meetings with the Government Accountability Office (GAO) explaining why she requested “a top to bottom” review of the Denali Commission, Senator Lisa Murkowski has received word (letter attached) that the federal oversight watchdog will conduct the work she initiated earlier this year.

The Commission – an important federal-state partnership directing grants to infrastructure projects – has been beset by concerns about its management and organizational structure, so Murkowski made a formal GAO request in February that the rest of the Alaska delegation later joined.

“The Denali Commission is too important to our state and our people to have it erode,” said Murkowski.  “A recent report from its Inspector General may have had some shortcomings, but it and other reports do raise questions that deserve attention and a fresh set of eyes from the Government Accountability Office.  I hope they give it a thorough and diligent inquiry.”
