
Murkowski Welcomes Introduction of Keystone XL Legislation

Bill Uses Congressional Authority to Advance Job Creation and Energy Security

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today welcomed the introduction of bipartisan legislation that would have Congress authorize construction of the Keystone XL pipeline project under Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, which gives Congress authority over commerce with foreign states.

The bill (S.2041) was introduced today by Sens. John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Richard Lugar (R-Ind.), and David Vitter (R-La.). Murkowski is among the bipartisan group of 44 cosponsors of the legislation.  

“The energy security and economic benefits of the Keystone XL project are clear,” Murkowski said. “This legislation will recapture what I believe was a missed opportunity by the president to create badly needed jobs, and I applaud Sens. Hoeven and Lugar for taking the lead on this important issue.”

The legislation authorizes TransCanada to construct and operate the Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta, Canada, to the U.S. Gulf Coast, transporting an additional 830,000 barrels of oil per day to U.S. refineries, including 100,000 barrels a day from North Dakota and Montana.

The bill allows the Keystone XL to move forward while the state of Nebraska finalizes a modified route within its borders.

“Keystone is a perfect example of the kind of project – privately financed without spending a dime of taxpayer funding – that we should be embracing to get the economy back on track.” Murkowski said. “Instead it’s become the victim of election-year politics. This bipartisan legislation remedies that problem.”

Murkowski also voiced support for similar legislation advancing in the House of Representatives, noting that any bill that increases the odds of the Keystone project breaking ground should be granted floor time and a vote.

Murkowski spoke Sunday on the Platts Energy Week show about the importance of the Keystone XL project and the legislative path forward.
