
Murkowski Wants Answers on Reports of Earlier Salmon Virus

Senator to NOAA: We Are “Ten Years Behind in Addressing This Situation”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to news reports that Canada kept decade-old findings of a salmon virus secret, U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski is asking the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) what details, if any, were known by the U.S. and how this new information is being taken into account in plans to expand testing efforts.

“Weeks ago, I was troubled to hear of the possibility of infectious salmon anemia in nearby fisheries.  But now I am absolutely alarmed that this was not the first our neighbors to the east had heard of this, and had sat on critical information for ten years – putting us ten years behind in addressing this situation.”

Murkowski joined Senator Cantwell in October to ensure NOAA was working to prevent the reported salmon virus in Canada from spreading the U.S. fisheries.

