
Murkowski Votes to Confirm Veterans Affairs Secretary

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) released the following statement after voting to confirm Dr. David Shulkin as the Secretary of Veterans Affairs:

“I congratulate Dr. Shulkin on his elevation to Secretary of Veterans Affairs. As a member of the Senate VA Appropriations Subcommittee, I have come to know Dr. Shulkin over the past several years. To his credit Dr. Shulkin has visited Alaska to learn more about the reforms in healthcare delivery that we achieved under former Secretary Shinseki, such as the VA sharing agreements with the world class Alaska Native Health System. He has a thorough understanding of Alaska’s VA, having seen firsthand the innovative system that was working in Alaska prior to implementation of the Choice Act. I will continue to press Dr. Shulkin on his commitment to continue what has been proven successful in Alaska. I look forward to working with Dr. Shulkin in his new role and have confidence that he will work to ensure Alaska’s veterans have access to quality healthcare, no matter where they live.”