
Murkowski Votes to Confirm Scott Gottlieb as the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) released the following statement after voting to confirm Scott Gottlieb as Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration:

“Congratulations to Dr. Scott Gottlieb on his successful confirmation to be our nation’s next Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration. Dr. Gottlieb’s nomination has received broad support from over 46 organizations and three former FDA Commissioners. His extensive background with CMS, the FDA, and the private sector gives him the expertise needed to protect public health and lead the FDA as it works to modernize and meet the goals of the 21st Century Cures that passed last year. Dr. Gottlieb has pledged to work with me in regards to mandatory labeling of genetically engineered salmon and FDA seafood advice for pregnant and nursing mothers, and I believe he understands the distinctive challenges and opportunities we face in Alaska. I look forward to the new perspective he will bring as our next Food and Drug Administration Commissioner.”