
Murkowski Votes to Confirm Gaynor as New FEMA Administrator

The Senate confirmed Mr. Peter Gaynor to serve as Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator by a vote of 81-8. In support of his confirmation, Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) issued the following statement:

“Alaska is no stranger to natural hazards and disasters. The 7.1 magnitude earthquake and the wildfires that we faced in 2019 alone are an example of why having strong leadership in place at FEMA is so important for our state. Mr. Gaynor has significant experience in emergency management and an extensive track-record managing federally declared natural disasters, both small and large-scale. As Deputy Administrator, Mr. Gaynor traveled to Alaska to lead the State Emergency Operations Center to support earthquake response efforts and has since served as Acting Administrator. The overwhelming bipartisan support he received is a strong signal that he is the right man for the job.”