
Murkowski Votes to Confirm EPA Administrator

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) released the following statement after voting to confirm Scott Pruitt to be EPA Administrator:

“As Senator for a state hard-hit by EPA regulations, and chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee that funds the agency, I have a keen interest in who serves as its Administrator. Scott Pruitt has extensive knowledge of the laws that guide the EPA, and he is committed to refocusing the agency on actually cleaning up the environment instead of constantly churning out rules with questionable legal authority. He and I share a common belief that we can be good stewards of our air, water, and land while at the same time growing our economy.

“Administrator Pruitt is also committed to engaging state partners in a cooperative manner to ensure that states can protect the environment in ways that make the most sense in their specific circumstances. During our conversations before his confirmation, Administrator Pruitt committed to working with me to find solutions to a number of issues that are important to Alaskans, and I expect him to follow through with that commitment.”