
Murkowski Votes for Bipartisan Bill to Reform Unemployment, Extend Long-Term Benefits

Senator Lisa Murkowski today voted in favor of H.R.3979 that would make structural changes to the unemployment benefits process to aid long-term jobless Americans suffering in the nation’s weak economic recovery, and provide benefits through next month, saying:

“We don’t truly address our long-term unemployment problems by merely extending the ineffective program – what we need is structural reforms that get people back to work.  This bill is a first step that represents a rational, reasonable proposal that combines ideas from across the aisle to help provide relief to over a million Americans impacted by the President’s failed economic policies, and strengthens our current unemployment programs with real reforms. This bill is fully paid for and strikes the right balance to provide support to those who most need it.”

HR 3979, as amended by the Senate, would temporarily extend long-term unemployment benefits until May 31, 2014, and now goes to the House of Representatives for final passage.