
Murkowski Votes for Benefit Extensions, 20,000 Jobs for America

Legislation Requires XL Pipeline Decision Soon

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Lisa Murkowski today voted for the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act, which will continue to put added money into working Americans paychecks and keeps benefits going through February to those unemployed and looking for work. The act also extends the current medicare reimbursement rate and aid to needy families for two months. To make certain the bill does not add to the nation’s deficit, it will be paid for by a bipartisan agreement to raise guarantee fees at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

“The perfect cannot be the enemy of the good, when it comes to helping American workers,” said Murkowski.  “Today we didn’t address the long-term issue of the payroll tax and unemployment, but we’re providing certainty to those struggling out there -- that we’re going to be there for them these holiday months.”

Today’s legislation also could address American unemployment figures in a positive direction, by potentially adding thousands of jobs to the American economy. The bill requires a final White House decision be made within 60 days on the XL Pipeline project – which would create 20,000 jobs while improving America’s energy security.


(Senator Murkowski discussing the XL pipeline in November)

“As far as a long-term job creator, there’s no more ‘shovel ready project’ than the XL pipeline,” the Senator continued.  “Everyone agrees that our top three priorities should be jobs, jobs and jobs – this bill says to the President: the ball’s in your court, when it comes to follow-through on improving America’s unemployment numbers.”
