
Murkowski Votes Against Advancing Emergency Supplemental Bill

Senator: Failure of Process Led to This Impasse

Senator Lisa Murkowski today voted against advancing to a final vote on S.2648, the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill that would sent $2.7 billion to address the complicated surge at the southern border of unaccompanied minors:

“This emergency supplemental bill to address the border crisis had no opportunity for amendments.  While not quite a blank check, it mostly throws money at a problem without addressing the root causes or dealing with any real reforms when thoughtful proposals from Senators Cornyn, Flake and McCain deserved debate and an opportunity for a vote.

“These are children whose families and lives are being impacted by the decisions we’re making.  As Americans and as leaders, we are obligated to responsibly consider all options to rein in a situation that the administration has allowed to get out of control.

“But again, the Majority Leader allowed no amendments or improvements to a $3.6 billion bill.  It’s a shame that once again, a failure of process has led to an impasse on an issue that clearly demands Congressional action.”

The bill also included funds for wildland firefighting and the Department of Defense, and failed to garner enough votes to proceed.

Background: Senator Murkowski traveled to the border two weeks ago to see firsthand the situation being experienced by the children, the Customs and Border Patrol, and other government officials – sharing her observations with Alaskans afterwards.  Though she was struck by the visit to the southern border, Murkowski remained skeptical of the lack of detail contained within the emergency plan and frustrated that the administration allowed this crisis to emerge.