
Murkowski Voices Support for Disapproval Resolution on Utility MACT

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today issued the following statement in response to the Environmental Protection Agency’s publication of the final Mercury and Air Toxics Standards rule, or Utility MACT, in the Federal Register, and in support of Oklahoma Sen. James Inhofe’s resolution filed under the Congressional Review Act to disapprove the rule.

“Despite some substantive changes to the final Utility MACT rule, I continue to be concerned about its potential adverse impact on electric reliability. I also do not believe the final rule provides the necessary time for utilities to comply. Given the billions of dollars in direct and indirect costs the rule will impose on utilities, I remain skeptical that it will deliver the benefits EPA claims and that its benefits will outweigh its costs,” Murkowski said. “I also believe the rule will negatively impact electricity costs when citizens can least afford it. I support Sen. Inhofe’s effort to send the EPA back to the drawing board through a resolution to disapprove of the Utility MACT rule.”