
Murkowski to Question Interior Secretary in Senate Hearing

As Ranking Republican on Interior Appropriations, Senator to Pose Questions Addressing Alaskan Concerns

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Newly-confirmed Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell will testify before the Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee for the first time tomorrow morning, and Senator Lisa Murkowski will be looking to get answers on Alaska’s unique concerns.

Senator Murkowski has called the Interior Secretary “Alaska’s Landlord” since 60 percent of Alaska’s lands are managed by the federal government. Since the Interior Department also has jurisdiction over the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Jewell’s appearance before the subcommittee presents an opportunity to get clarity on a wide range of issues important to Alaskans.

Among the topics Senator Murkowski will raise with Secretary Jewell are:

  • Moving forward on King Cove’s life-saving emergency access road.
  • Legacy wells in Alaska, and the Interior proposal to make Alaska pay to clean them up.
  • A new proposal by the Administration to limit tribal claims for contract support costs paid by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Indian Health Service, which circumvents a Supreme Court ruling and could have significant impacts on health care delivery for Alaska Natives.

The hearing will take place at 6:30am AKDT, with materials/video/audio to be provided soon after its conclusion.

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