
Murkowski to Akaka: We Work in the ‘Aloha Spirit’

Senator Honors Retiring Hawaiian Senator, Shares Moment with Him on Floor

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator Lisa Murkowski today took to the United States Senate floor to compliment and honor the departing Hawaiian Senator Daniel Akaka (D-HI), standing 20 feet away from her friend and colleague to thank him, express her appreciation – and give him a hug afterwards.

(Senator Murkowski discusses the Hawaii/Alaska connection. CLICK to watch.)

 “As neighbors in the Pacific, Hawaii and Alaska have always shared a special bond, not only because of our geography, not only because of our time differences – every time I endure the twelve hour flight across country to go home, four time zones away, I am reminded that Senator Akaka, it takes him a couple hours more and one time zone more – we have many other similarities: our indigenous peoples, the relative youth of our states, and our unique landscapes.

“For years, our delegations have worked together, across the aisle, for the good of our people. Senator Akaka’s bipartisan approach, his willingness to work towards success will be missed by myself and so many of our colleagues.  Of course, I don’t think Senator Akaka would call it bipartisanship, he would call it ‘Aloha.’ We work in the ‘Aloha’ spirit. With that, I would like to tell my friend and colleague ‘Mahalo’ from the bottom of my heart.  Mahalo, I’m going to miss you, Senator Akaka.  I’m going to miss you, your wife Millie, your entire extended family.

“But as you return home to your beloved Hawaii, know that you have left an impression on so many.”
