
Murkowski Taking Eielson Argument Directly to Air Force Commission

Senator Will Question Alaskan Contradictions, Given New Pacific Focus

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Lisa Murkowski is testifying tomorrow before the Commission on the Structure of the Air Force, stressing the case that if the Department of Defense is truly changing its strategic focus towards the Pacific Rim, the Pentagon should not be considering any Alaskan actions that hinder the nation’s defense.

For over eighteen months, Murkowski has made the case that the United States Air Force proposal to transfer the F-16 Aggressor Squadron from Eielson AFB to Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson undercuts our nation’s ability to respond to foreign threats from Alaska without accurately counting the costs of the move. While defense officials stress that Alaska is a key asset because of its strategic location, Murkowski does not understand why the Air Force is not increasing its presence in this geographically superior place.

The National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force was created in the FY2012 National Defense Authorization Act to "undertake a comprehensive study of the structure of the Air Force to determine whether, and how, the structure should be modified to best fulfill current and anticipated mission requirements in a manner consistent with available resources" for our United States Air Force.

Note to broadcasters: Senator Murkowski will testify tomorrow morning at or around 5:30am AKDT.  Video footage of Senator Murkowski’s testimony and remarks should be provided within hours of the event.

