
Murkowski Takes Step Towards Repealing the “Un”-Affordable Care Act

Senate Budget Resolution Starts Process of Ending Failed Healthcare Law

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) voted for the Fiscal Year 2017 budget resolution (S. Con. Res. 3), the vehicle to allow the Senate to repeal the failed Affordable Care Act (ACA) through the budget reconciliation process. The resolution includes instructions to the Senate HELP and Finance Committees so that repeal can move a privileged process ensuring its expediency.

“This is a first and necessary step towards delivering better healthcare for Alaskans. The ACA has harmed Alaskans for far too long, from skyrocketing premiums to diminishing choices in coverage, and done nothing to reduce the cost of healthcare or improve its quality,” Murkowski said. "We can now begin the process of creating a more affordable system by repealing key elements of the failed law and allowing for the return of flexibility to the states. Through the passage of this resolution, we are now on the way to genuine healthcare reform that is affordable, accessible, and that provides for families' needs.”

While supporting repeal of the ACA, Murkowski has also voiced her strong desire for legislation that will allow for a return to a healthcare system where states have the flexibility they need to control costs and increase insurance options for Alaskans. Murkowski believes the concurrent timing of repeal and replace is critical and that we must ensure there are no lapses in coverage for individuals and families as a better alternative is put in place.

Background: Senator Murkowski has long been an opponent of the ACA, recognizing from day one that the one-size-fits-all bill would never work in a rural, sparsely populated state like Alaska. She voted against the bill in 2010 and has repeatedly sought its repeal amid crushing premium hikes and the withdrawal of all but one insurer from the Alaska marketplace.

Related Issues: Health