
Murkowski Supports Peace and Democracy in the Middle East

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) issued the following statement after voting in favor of the Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act, which passed in a 77-23 vote. The legislative package aims to improve our nation’s diplomatic presence in the Middle East, strengthens the U.S.-Israel alliance, increases defense cooperation with Jordan and Israel, and imposes new sanctions on entities doing business with the government of Syria.

This bill includes two pieces of legislation Senator Murkowski cosponsored: the United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act, which renews the U.S. commitment to provide security assistance to Israel through 2028 and the Combating BDS Act, which clarifies that pension funds and other fiduciaries can divest investments in entities that participate in Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) activities directed at Israel.

“In passing this legislation, the Senate has reaffirmed the strong relationship that exists between our nation and the State of Israel. The special relationship among our two countries is as important to U.S. security as it is to Israel’s. I am proud to support this landmark legislation,” said Senator Murkowski. “We also cannot allow our allies to fall victim to the persistent and growing threats of Syria’s Assad regime and those who have supported their appalling actions against the people of Syria. This legislation sends a strong message that they must be held accountable.”