
Murkowski Supports Federal Government Funding Bill, Initial Response to ISIS

Senator: Bill Keeps Government Running, Sets Up Future Debate on ISIS Threat

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Lisa Murkowski today voted for H.J. 124, the Continuing Resolution bill that passed the House of Representatives yesterday and will fund government operations through December 11th.  The bill also includes a provision to begin supporting the moderate Syrian rebel forces as a counter to the ISIS threat. Murkowski shared her reasoning with Alaskans:

“As I said last year when I worked with my Senate colleagues to re-open the federal government, a government shutdown benefits no one and threatens the livelihoods of thousands of Alaskans.  While I am extremely frustrated by funding the government through stop-gap continuing resolutions, I could not threaten our state’s economy by voting otherwise as a protest vote.

“But as to another threat – that posed by ISIS on our nation – there are no good options.  I was deeply skeptical of the President’s ideas when he presented them last week, and watching his own military leaders disagree with him in the days since has only heightened my concerns.  While I continue to have my doubts, a limited authority to equip and train the moderate factions in Syria against these Islamic extremists is among the least bad options, and I am encouraged that today’s bill contains some tangible short-term reporting requirements. This bill does not create an indefinite period of activity, only a narrow time frame for the President’s strategy and coalition to make progress.  When Congress returns in November, our top priority must be a full and open debate on defense legislation that considers what further action may be.

 “I supported today’s funding bill to keep our government running and enable a full debate on defending our nation against this new threat.”