
Murkowski Supports Bipartisan Deal

Warns “This Is Just the End of the Beginning” In Righting Deficit Problem

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Lisa Murkowski today voted for legislation to rein in federal spending while allowing the U.S. Treasury to pay America’s debts and obligations, issuing the following statement afterwards:

"Today I joined with 73 colleagues to pass the Budget Control Act.  I’m satisfied that Congress took care of business and carved out an agreement that allowed us to raise the debt ceiling and avoid seeing a financial crisis materialize. Failure to act could have undermined our entire financial system – and had real-world costs for millions of Americans’ car payments, student loans and mortgages.

“The deal has real teeth – serious reforms, significant spending cuts, future spending caps and triggers requiring future action – but it is only the end of the beginning of our nation righting our financial course.  We acknowledge that today’s vote is the easy part, and we are going to have to work together to find a comprehensive way to address our debt by getting realistic about the hard choices ahead.  Both Democrats and Republicans created this problem, and the only way we can resolve it is through bipartisan solutions.”