
Murkowski Statement on UAE Arms Sale

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) today made the following statement after voting against S.J. Res. 77 and S.J.Res.78, Resolutions of Disapproval which would block portions of an arms deal with the United Arab Emirates (UAE): 

“Along with many colleagues, I had significant concerns with the speed of this sale. I wanted to be certain the sale was following protocols that ensure Foreign Military Sales don’t compromise information pertaining to sophisticated technology, and measures in place to safeguard the equipment, and that the U.S. has proper oversight going forward. I was able to get questions pertaining to those matters answered and given assurances. I am now comfortable moving forward with the sale.

“The UAE is a reliable partner to the U.S. and military operations. This sale ensures the Emiratis are properly equipped to defend themselves from threats in the region and remain an important partner for America.”

Resolution Details:

  • S.J.Res.77 provides Congressional Disapproval for the sale of up to 18 MQ-9B reaper drones plus equipment and armaments.
  • S.J.Res.78 provides Congressional Disapproval for the sale of up to 50 F-35A Joint Strike Fighter Aircraft.