
Murkowski Statement on North Korea Long-Range Rocket Launch

Senator Calls It “Clear Example of Chest-Thumping Aggression”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Lisa Murkowski today expressed grave concern at the recent rocket launch by North Korea, against international warnings from the United States and several other countries:

“This test-run is a clear example of chest-thumping aggression from North Korea, defying the United Nations, international community – and even earning criticism from its nearest neighbors China and Russia.  

“North Korea’s act marks a clear, threatening step forward for that rogue nation’s nuclear strategy.  Being the only one of the United States within North Korea’s missile range as of now, Alaskans have an intense interest in the actions of the military there and their acts of defiance.

“This North Korean launch is a reminder of the threat level posed within the Asia-Pacific region and why we must maintain a robust Alaska-based response capability – ready to deal with provocations from an increasingly complicated part of the world.”


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