
Murkowski statement on ANWR "wilderness" bill

Contact - Robert Dillon at 202.224.6977 or Anne Johnson at 202.224.8069

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, released the following statement today strongly opposing legislation that would designate as “wilderness” the coastal plain of the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge.

“Given that we were at record oil prices only a few months ago, it makes no sense to deny Americans access to lower-cost energy by permanently locking up North America’s largest potential source of oil and gas,” Senator Murkowski said.

“I’m confident that through the use of modern drilling technology we can develop our natural resources, including ANWR, without harming the environment. Developing ANWR offers an opportunity to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and improve our national security.”

“Taking ANWR permanently off the table at a time of volatile energy prices and economic hardship is simply not wise public policy.”

The wilderness legislation was recently introduced in both chambers of Congress.

Senator Murkowski has successfully opposed similar legislation in the past and, as the ranking Republican on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, will continue to fight efforts to permanently take ANWR off the table.