
Murkowski Statement on $3.5 Trillion Tax and Spending Measure

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) issued the following statement after voting against the motion to proceed to S.Con.Res.14, FY2022 Budget Resolution, a $3.5 trillion spending measure:

“Today Americans are able to witness the best and the worst here in the United States Senate.  

“The best—the Senate just passed on a strong bipartisan basis, an historic infrastructure package focused on core, legacy infrastructure that will create new jobs and benefits that will pay forward for Americans for decades to come—all without raising taxes. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is the result of months of bipartisan negotiations that I was proud to be part of, working diligently with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to deliver for the American people.

“The worst—the Senate immediately turned to a wholly partisan bill, a budget resolution which proposes over $3.5 trillion in new spending which will result in tax hikes on Americans. This partisan exercise to implement a wish list of reckless spending is unfortunate but not unexpected as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer previously admitted that Democrats were ‘going alone’, without any effort to work with Republicans. Taxing and spending without limits is nothing to be proud of.”

Related Issues: Budget & Spending