
Murkowski Statement on 13th Remembrance of 9/11 Attacks

Senator Urges Appreciation for "All That Those Who Hate Us Can Never Take Away"

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today Senator Lisa Murkowski shared her thoughts on the 13th anniversary of 9/11:

Thirteen years after the tragedies of 9/11, thousands of Alaskans still remember waking up to the national nightmare playing out on every single television; many of us were awakened by friends and relatives in the Lower 48 calling us about the horrible news: that 3,000 people were killed for simply living, working, and being in America.

When I reflect back on September 11, 2001, I remember the grief, shock, and horror I felt – I’ll never forget it.  But I also will never forget the powerful positives that emerged from that atrocity: the unity, patriotism, and compassion that brought us together across race, creed and ideology – all bound tightly together by a common identity and our belief in liberty. Even after thirteen years, I am still amazed and humbled by the courage shown by our first responders in New York City, Washington, D.C., Virginia, and Pennsylvania, and the selfless volunteers from around the country who sacrificed their lives to help complete strangers.

On this day of reflection and remembrance, I urge Alaskans, and all Americans, to join together once again in honor of those fallen heroes and innocent victims. I also ask you to hug your friends and family a bit tighter, and greet your colleagues with a wider smile – and appreciate all we still have, and all that those who oppose us can never take away. Our country’s sacred values of liberty and justice continue to make us a target for extremists who wish to do us harm. I cannot thank our soldiers, veterans, and their families enough for helping America remain resilient, proud, and strong.”