
Murkowski Speaks on Alaska’s COVID-19 Heroes on the U.S. Senate Floor

During a speech on the U.S. Senator floor, U.S. Senator Murkowski (R-AK) commended Alaska’s unsung heroes of the COVID-19 response effort, including Alaska’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Anne Zink.

COVID Heroes Speech

CLICK HERE for video of Senator Murkowski’s floor speech.


  • “There are many men and women across the country that are doing extraordinary work responding on the health side, as well as responding to the economic impact—the economic fallout—due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”
  • “As difficult as these economic times are, the most important thing that we all need to be focused on is the health and safety of our people.”
  • “I have tremendous appreciation and gratitude for all the healthcare workers and individuals who have worked to protect Alaskans on a daily basis.”
  • “We are adjusting to a new normal and as we deal with this I think it is important to acknowledge the individuals, really heroes, in so many of our communities that have saved lives and really provided a level of care and compassion throughout it all.”
  • “In Alaska, we are extremely fortunate to have our COVID-19 health response led by Dr. Anne Zink. She is our state’s Chief Medical Officer, and she along with her team at the Division of Public Health have been doing a great job under Governor Dunleavy’s leadership to implement and communicate clear public health guidelines from the beginning of this unpredictable event.”
  • “Dr. Zink has been doing extraordinary work as we have dealt with challenging issues as they relate to quarantine after travel. Travel restrictions around the state that have been incredibly challenging. She has worked with her team to put together plans of operation and protocols so that our fisheries can be successfully prosecuted, and they have been. A mark of success in terms of being able to identify and then isolate and keep the virus from transmitting. She is also now very, very focused on how we safely return our kids back to school.”
  • “Dr. Zink, I think if you have an opportunity to meet her, projects calm. She projects confidence. She projects assurance. And she has absolutely earned the trust of Alaskans throughout this difficult time.”
  • “Dr. Zink reminds us that at the end of the day, what we have to do is stay focused on keeping people safe. Keeping our family and our workers safe. This moment is about all of us, and how we respond during this great time of need.”
  • “I know this has been a difficult time, but the way Alaskans have come together to protect and support each other throughout this pandemic makes me deeply grateful and incredibly proud to call Alaska my home.”

Related Issues: Health, COVID-19 Resource Page