
Murkowski Shares Veterans Day Message with Alaskans

Senator: Thank You to Those Who Serve Past, Present, and Future

Senator Lisa Murkowski today commemorated Veterans Day by sharing her thoughts with Alaskans:

“As Alaskans, we have the honor of being surrounded by veterans, more so per capita than any other state in the nation. Veterans are our neighbors, co-workers, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers and friends. Our communities are enriched by their presence, and we can never thank them enough for their courage, sacrifice, and service.

“Today is not only a day dedicated to those who have served our country in past conflicts decades and generations ago, but to also honor those who are putting their lives on the line today to protect our country against new 21st century threats.  These men and women answer the call to action and make the decision to dedicate their lives to safeguard our liberties, our principles and our honor as a nation.  We also owe them much in exchange, and it begins with a recognition and an appreciation for their service each and every day, and a sincere ‘Thank You’ for their time, sacrifice and efforts.

“When Congress originally designated November 11th as “Veterans Day” in 1926, they did so less to commemorate wartime bravery than they did to prioritize peace and diplomacy among all nations. The designation stated ‘this date should be commemorated with thanksgiving and prayer and exercises designed to perpetuate peace through good will and mutual understanding between nations.’

“It means a lot that our nation, with the world’s largest military force, continues to be cautious to exercise its military might, even given the current hostilities in the Middle East.

“Words will never be enough to thank our veterans for their selfless actions in making the decision to serve our country, their courage during active duty, and their commitment to our communities when they return home. One of the best ways we can show our gratitude for our veterans is by asking what we, as individuals and as a community, can do for them. We should remember to live every day appreciating the freedoms and liberties that our military has secured for us and continues to protect.

“On this Veterans Day, and every other day, we say thank you to those who serve past, present, and future. God bless.

(Click image to watch video.)