
Murkowski Sends Greetings for Memorial Day

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today offered the following statement in observance of Memorial Day:
“On Memorial Day, we recognize the men and women of our military who have served our country. I call on all Alaskans to thank those who have served and remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of freedom.
“To the members of the Alaska Territorial Guard who served before Alaska was a state, to our veterans from conflicts past, to the men and women serving now, we thank you all for your service to our country. We also express our sincere thanks to our military families, as they too have borne the sacrifices of military service. 
“But most importantly, on Memorial Day, we remember those who went to war and did not return. We remember and honor our fallen heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of their country.  We remember their spouses, their children and their families as they grieve. When called to serve, these brave men and women answered, only to give all of themselves so that others may be free.
“On this Memorial Day, we are reminded once again that our freedom is not free. It is defended by the vigilance and service of men and women who selflessly volunteer for their country.  Let us never forget the commitment and sacrifice these men and women have made so that others may know freedom on this Memorial Day and every other day of the year.